【No Fee & No Time Limit】: No fee and no time limit for transcription and summary!
【Security and privacy】: Your privacy will only be saved on your device and app, no one has access to your data. ensure the absolute security of the data. We design a protective cover for the product, which looks just like a mobile power after you put it on.You can buy protective covers for products.
**Potential Use Cases**: Conferences, job interviews, discussions, presentations, instructors delivering lessons, learners taking notes in lectures, mobile phone calls or virtual meeting recordings, audio journals, and more.
【AI function】: Self-training big language model, clearly recognize 107 languages, realize voice to text, translator, chat room function. Access to open AI model, support audio to text summary, mind map, summary, to-do list, speech organization, foreign language learning aid, interview, diary.
【Recording & Magnetic charging】: Portable and compact, easily fit into your pocket. Vibration conduction, support for phone recording. Built-in dual-track sound awareness, through the air conduction, coupled with AI deep noise reduction, enhance the texture of the recording. Charge your cell phone magnetically. The product can fit on the refrigerator, conference room table corner, car and any location with metal.